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Join us as we reflect on the past, anticipate the future, and discover what God is up to today. This dad (Milo) and daughter (Olivia) duo look to Scripture to understand how to navigate the opportunities and the obstacles that exist today. Every Tuesday we release the latest Resilient Lineage episode. Follow us on popular podcast platforms and ensure each new episode is seamlessly delivered straight to your device and ready to accompany you on your morning commute, daily jog, or relaxing evening unwind. Click the links to your preferred podcast platform, hit that 'Follow' button and let’s stay connected!
Episode 38: Identity - In Christ, You are a New Creation
In this final episode of their four-part series, Milo and Olivia explore the transformative concept of being a new creation in Christ. This profound idea is rooted in the belief that through faith in Jesus, individuals can undergo a spiritual rebirth that redefines their identity and purpose.
Episode 37: Identity - In Christ, You have Freedom
In this third installment of a four-part series, Milo and Olivia discuss consequences to not having a clear sense of identity and what it means to live with the freedom we have in Christ.
Episode 36: Identity - You Are Loved and Accepted
In this second installment of a four-part series, Milo and Olivia delve into the importance of knowing we are loved and accepted by God. Their discussion reinforces the importance of spiritual identity over shallow substitutes, like toxic relationships, compulsive dating, and people pleasing.
Episode 35: Identity - You are Significant
In this first installment of a four-part series, Milo and Olivia delve into the significance of having a clear identity and how that identity is rooted in Christ. Their exploration focuses on seven biblical passages that highlights how we are significant when we embrace our lives in Christ.
Episode 34: Intentional Questions for Healthy Dating
How do you enter a romantic relationship with a long-term focus in mind? Using the formational model as a framework, Milo and Olivia explore a series of questions to ask yourself and your romantic interest. They provide insights that can help cultivate healthy expectations and ways to support each other.
Episode 33: Battle Questions
In this episode as we explore three essential questions to ask God for guidance in your spiritual battles. We delve into the importance of discerning your next challenges, understanding the implications of battles you may not want, and navigating the complexities of potential betrayals. This episode offers valuable insights on serving from a place of obedience and resilience. Tune in now to find inspiration and clarity as you pursue your mission!
Episode 32: 3 People You Need for Dynamic Growth
How do I maintain the vision God has for me? Who is advising me as I walk with Jesus? What does it mean to live with healthy boundaries? These are common questions for those who want to see dynamic growth take place in their lives. In this episode, Milo and Olivia explore the roles of prophet, priest, and king and how these roles inform our lives.
Episode 31: Starting New Things
What are some things to keep in mind when starting new things? In this episode Olivia shares three lessons she is learning during her first week of college.
Episode 30: A Model for Shaping the Soul
Our model of spiritual formation provides a blueprint of what God wants to change, grow, and mature within each of us. All of us lead with a model in mind, but are we leading with a model that will shape us into the person God has destined us to be?
Episode 29: The Best Question
What if the very foundations of our faith—the assumptions and traditions we've long held dear—are the same things holding us back? In this episode, Milo and Olivia dive deep into the beliefs we might be unknowingly clinging to, unraveling how these can limit our spiritual journey. Together, they'll uncover the most powerful question you can ask to break through these barriers and set your faith on a path toward dynamic growth and deeper intimacy with God. Get ready for a transformative conversation that will challenge and inspire you to rethink what you believe and why.
Episode 28: 7 Prayers of Examine to Step Into Fullness of Life
In a recent study, 81% of Americans said they believe there is an ultimate purpose and plan for their lives. However, only 59% feel they have found that purpose, while 28% are still searching. In this episode, Milo and Olivia consider seven prayers of examen that enable us to live with meaning and purpose.
Episode 27: The Way of the Jackal and Owl
In this episode, Olivia and Milo consider the spiritual desert, a place where God realigns our expectations and draws our dependence onto Him. They delve into how we should lay aside our preconceived notions and embrace the way of the jackal and the owl.
Episode 26: A Path to Truth
"This is my truth" seems to be a popular sentiment these days. Unfortunately, this posture towards life cultivates regret and disappointment and comes with severe collateral damage. In our latest episode, Olivia and I explore an approach to discerning truth that can serve our walk with God and help us discover His best for our lives.
Episode 25: 4 Choices that Shape a Resilient Soul
The resilient soul recovers quickly from disappointment and moments of frustration. But how is a resilient souls shaped? In this episode, Milo and Olivia look at Psalm 37:3-4 and consider four critical choices that can be made to develop a resilient soul.
Episode 24: The Log In My Eye
It is easy to spot the sin that exists in other people’s lives. But what about our own sins and shortcomings? In this podcast, Milo and Olivia explore how to position our minds and hearts so that God can do a deep work within us. The result is the ability to see more clearly what God is doing, help others, and discover what God has prepared.
Episode 23: Living in God’s Freedom
When strongholds exist in our lives, they keep us from experiencing the freedom Christ died to give us. In this podcast, Milo and Olivia explore key traits that are found in those who enjoy the freedom God has for them.
Episode 22: Seasons of Spiritual Formation
Have you found that life seems to move through "seasons?" In this podcast Milo and Olivia consider the different seasons God will leads us through that cultivate our dependance on Him.
Episode 21: 3 Traits of Exceptional Fathers
It isn’t a mystery how to fix what is ailing our culture. If you want to change a child’s life, ensure they have access to a father who will engage with them. The health of our communities, our state, even our nation rides on the shoulders of engaged fathers.
Episode 20: 5 Healthy Decisions when Disappointed
We will all face times of disappointment. So how can we stabilize our minds and hearts during those turbulent times? In this podcast, Milo and Olivia look at Psalm 62 and consider the five decisions you can make before, during, and after you face disappointment.
Episode 19: Summer on Purpose
How will you spend your summer months? In this podcast, Milo and Olivia consider how to use the summer months to draw closer to Christ and make a difference for His Kingdom.