Episode 23: Living in God’s Freedom
When strongholds exist in our lives, they keep us from experiencing the freedom Christ died to give us. In this podcast, Milo and Olivia explore key traits that are found in those who enjoy the freedom God has for them.
Title: Living in God’s Freedom
Hosts: Milo Curtis and Olivia Curtis
Download the Companion Notes PDF
Strongholds are thoughts, beliefs, philosophies, attitudes, and values that oppose God’s Truth. When those exist in our lives, they keep us from experiencing the freedom Christ died to give us. In this podcast, Milo and Olivia explore key traits that are found in those who enjoy the freedom God has for them.
For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. - Galatians 5:13 (NLT)
Four key traits of people who live with God’s freedom
Key 1: Abundance of Grace - Do I live with an scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset? Do I see my freedom as something I achieved, or do I see my freedom as something that was given to me and that I need to steward? Jesus paid the price for my freedom (Grace). But the price had to be paid. Am I living a life where I think I have to pay for my sins?
Key 2: An appetite for truth - do I live in pursuit of God’s truth or in pursuit of bias confirmation? Jesus said, If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:31). I can’t run away from the truth and expect to be free. I have to face it, embrace it, and let the Holy Spirit apply it to my life.
Key 3: Hope amidst adversity - what is my reaction when things don’t go how I anticipated? God holds the outcomes of our life. Because of that we can be confident that he will produce a better outcome then we could ever imagine. The enemy of hope is “despair.” To despair is to practice a confidence that exceeds your ability to know the future.
Key 4: An attitude of love - how is my attitude when I serve others who are ungrateful? Do I carry an attitude of love when I serve others? Love in this context is a loyalty to another’s well being. If I do not carry an attitude of love then I am probably enslaved by something. Entitlement, pride, and past woundings are usually good places to start.
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Theme Music: Love Poem by Soyb