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Join us as we reflect on the past, anticipate the future, and discover what God is up to today. This dad (Milo) and daughter (Olivia) duo look to Scripture to understand how to navigate the opportunities and the obstacles that exist today. Every Tuesday we release the latest Resilient Lineage episode. Follow us on popular podcast platforms and ensure each new episode is seamlessly delivered straight to your device and ready to accompany you on your morning commute, daily jog, or relaxing evening unwind. Click the links to your preferred podcast platform, hit that 'Follow' button and let’s stay connected!
Episode 18: 6 Steps to Finding a Church
Finding a church can be difficult. In this episode Milo and Olivia explore some church “shopping” mentalities to avoid and six steps to take in finding the church that will strengthen your faith and family.
Episode 17: 15 Reasons people don’t go to church
“We will look for one next week.” That’s a common sentiment when it comes to finding a new church. And it’s understandable why we do this. Finding a church is hard and uncomfortable. In this episode Milo and Olivia explore a theology of church and common reasons people give to not going to church.
Special Episode 1: 7 Questions for a Graduate
Olivia is graduating! In this special episode Milo and Olivia explore 7 questions that are good for graduates to consider. Together they reflect on what has been accomplished, what has been learned, and the relationships that have been made along the way.
Episode 16: Obstacles on the way to Jesus
The road to experiencing Jesus can be filled with obstacles that will need to be overcome. In this episode Milo and Olivia look at Luke 7:36-50 and consider a series of obstacles to be faced in order to experience salvation.
Episode 15: Hospitality as Lifestyle
What is required to make hospitality a part of your lifestyle? In this episode we explore the topic of hospitality with Bethany Curtis. With over 25 years experience of hosting people in her home, she shares four key insights to making hospitality an intentional family effort.
Episode 14: Living with Delight
What is the difference between living with delight and pleasure? In this podcast, Milo and Olivia look at Psalm 1 as a way to identify the things that will steal delight and the benefits of taking delight in God’s word.
Episode 13: Discovering Community (Part 2)
People are living with a growing sense of loneliness in their lives. So what can be done about this? In this part 2 of 2, Milo and Olivia continue explore a strategy for discovering the community God has for us.
Episode 12: Discovering Community (Part 1)
People are living with a growing sense of loneliness in their lives. So what can be done about this? In this episode, Milo and Olivia explore a strategy for discovering the community God has for us.
Episode 11: Choosing Healthy Transitions
We all go through transitions that take us from one season into the next. But are we moving through these transitions in a healthy way? In this podcast, Milo and Olivia discuss R.A.F.T., a simple acronym that can have massive impact on how you choose to move through the transitions God has for you.
Episode 10: Honoring Military Kids
Did you know that April is the month of the military child? In this episode we discuss the unique struggles and shame military kids may live with. We outline ways we can offer an antidote to that shame in four specific ways.
Episode 9: A Contagious Passion
How do you live with a contagious, passionate walk with Jesus that isn’t easily cooled? In this podcast, Milo and Olivia interview author and speaker Bill Perkins. Together they explore the role of the Gospels in shaping a walk with Jesus that resilient despite the trials of life that come.
Episode 8: Living with Conviction (Part 2)
What does it mean to live a life of conviction? In this part 2 of 2 podcasts, Milo and Olivia reflect on a message Milo preached at the Grace Chapel Men’s Dinner. Together they explores some of the false convictions that people live with and how to combat that with a life of Biblical conviction.
Episode 7: Living with Conviction (Part 1)
What does it mean to live a life of conviction? In this part 1 of 2 podcasts, Milo and Olivia listen to a sermon Milo preached at the Grace Chapel Men’s Dinner. In part 2 they will go over some of the finer points that were made and discuss what this looks like for all of us, regardless of gender.
Episode 6: Building a Diligent Plan (Part 2)
How can we make the most of the opportunities presented to us? In this podcast, Milo and Olivia explore four practices of the early church and how that can cultivate a diligent plan for life.
Episode 5: Building a Diligent Plan (Part 1)
How can we make the most of the opportunities presented to us? In this podcast, Milo and Olivia explore four practices of the early church and how that can cultivate a diligent plan for life.
Episode 4: Generous Muffins
What does it look like to be intentional with our generosity? In this thought-provoking episode, Milo and Olivia delve into the wisdom of Proverbs 25:14 as they ponder and discuss what it truly means to purposefully embrace and embody the virtue of generosity in their daily lives.
Episode 3: Denying Yourself through Fasting
The aim of physical fasting is to cultivate a spiritual hunger for God. In this episode, Milo and Olivia explore the history and purpose of Lent, Ash Wednesday, and the spiritual practice of fasting.
Episode 2: The Four Soils
What is in the way of living a fruitful life? In this episode, Milo & Olivia discuss the four soils and how they keep us from experiencing the fruitful life God has for each of us.
Episode 1: Introductions
Do we really need another podcast in our lives? In this episode, Milo and Olivia introduce themselves and the objectives they have in starting this podcast.