Episode 2: The Four Soils
What is in the way of living a fruitful life? In this episode, Milo & Olivia discuss the four soils and how they keep us from experiencing the fruitful life God has for each of us.
Title: The Four Soils
Hosts: Milo Curtis and Olivia Curtis
Length: 1:00:35
Theme Music: Love Poem by Soyb
Regarding the Four Soils
The Hard Soil - the calloused or busy heart
A hear that find it difficult to understand the Word because of the business of life.The Rocky Soil - the stubborn or impatient heart
A heart that won’t take the time to prepare for the difficult seasons that are coming.The Thorney Soil - The divided heart
The hear that is torn between the cares of the world and theThe Good Soil - the surrendered heart
A heart that has learned to listen to God, allow God to prepare them, and has made the choice to abandon the cares of the world.
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