Episode 17: 15 Reasons people don’t go to church
“We will look for one next week.” That’s a common sentiment when it comes to finding a new church. And it’s understandable why we do this. Finding a church is hard and uncomfortable. In this episode Milo and Olivia explore a theology of church and common reasons people give to not going to church.
Title: Reasons people don’t go to church
Hosts: Milo Curtis and Olivia Curtis
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“We will look for one next week.” That’s a common sentiment when it comes to finding a new church. And it’s understandable why we do this. Finding a church is hard and uncomfortable. In this episode Milo and Olivia explore a theology of church and common reasons people give to not going to church.
Statement of Faith: The Holy Scriptures declare that the Church is the community of (born again) believers under the Lordship of Christ. It is the fellowship of the redeemed in which the Word of God is preached by men divinely called, and the sacraments are duly administered according to Christ’s own appointment. Under the discipline of the Holy Spirit the Church exists for the maintenance of worship, the edification of believers and the redemption of the world. (Acts 2:47; 2:41-47; 1 John 1:7; Colossians 1:18, 21) - Evangelical Church Discipline, 2020
Below are four guiding principles that we need to keep in mind when looking for a new faith community:
The Church is a people, not a building, under the Lordship of Christ.
The Church intentionally, consistently, and corporately worship God (singing, preaching, sacraments)
The Church is critical to a person’s spiritual formation
The Church is part of the redemptive work of Christ in the world.
We aren’t here very long, so why bother finding one.
I watch my home church online.
The denomination I’m a member of doesn’t have a church in this area.
The church we really like like is to far away.
My work schedule keeps me from attending consistently.
We couldn’t find a church at our last duty station, we probably won’t find one here
My travel schedule keeps me from serving. And I don’t want to take if I can’t give.
I don’t want to attend church with people I work with.
I don’t feel like there’ is a place for my child or teenager.
I don’t feel like going to church makes a difference in my life.
I’m not sure I believe the same things anymore.
I’m offended by the church’s position on sexuality.
I’ve been hurt by church members.
I don’t trust church leadership.
I don’t feel like there is a place for me to lead.
Inspired by: https://malphursgroup.com/15-reasons-why-committed-christians-do-not-attend-church/
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Theme Music: Love Poem by Soyb